In a world of busy, busy, busy, you might be wondering how to participate at your child's school, without necessarily having to carve too much time out of your already busy schedule. There are several ways to volunteer at the school and enjoy doing it too!
1) P.T.A. (Parent Teacher Association) is a great place to start. Meetings are usually only a couple of times a month and you get to play an important part in decisions about your child's school.
2) Volunteer to help with parties. There are many options here. If you are a working parent and can't necessarily take the time off, volunteer to make treats for the party or to donate any items the classroom might need for it.
3) Most schools have a carnival towards the end of the year that is after working hours. Volunteer to help coordinate this event. There are many areas where you can step in here. Just check with the PTA to see where you might be needed.
There you have it, three simple ways you can volunteer at your child's school. It's a great help to the school and helps to teach your child about volunteer work.
This blog post is part of Qlubb's Back-to-School blogger program for which I am eligible for a $15 Target gift card.